Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I have sharp teeth and I can bite!

Some young people, in an attempt to forget their anguish and pain, use a knife to cut themselves. This technique is widely claimed to have worked. They shift your pain from the mental to the physical. And it is also well-documented that this problem of self-abuse is rather widespread.

My only peeve with it is: why not just bite yourself! That was our most powerful weapons before civilizations. And if you’d never realized, we humans do have very sharp teeth and evolution had not blunted them. If you don’t believe me, please go and bite yourself!

Oh ya, if you ever talked on the phone with me, ever wondered why I keep asking you to speak up? I’m 50% deaf in the left ear and 30% deaf in the right. That is why I can tolerate loud noises from my students and have the tendency to speak really loudly sometimes. Someday I’m going to miss hearing my own voice.

Okies, I’m off to bite myself.

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