Friday, June 03, 2005


A piece of ham

When I was told by Huichen that a colleague decided that I was the “ham-sam-est” when shown this photo, I was delighted for a grand total of 5 minutes. That is, until Cindy declared that the person who made that comment is probably a guy, making special emphasis that the opinion of guys and girls differs greatly on this. (Thanks lor.)

I appeal to guys huh?! Maybe I’m better off being a gay then.

I had been thinking that if I were to be asked to list my favorite artistes, I would list Jacky Chueng, Andy Lau, Terry Lin, Phil Chang, Power Station, Air Supply, Westlife, Bryan Adam, Michael Learns to Rock, etc. Erm… noticed that they are all males… Maybe I do have issues. LOL.

I guessed I really shouldn’t make fun of JT for having a large Andy Lau’s poster in his office because I used to have one in my room too! And it’s the half-naked one some more. Yesh… I studied his nipples in details…

I was having this conversation with Audrey where she admitted that she goes go-go over pretty girls like Ruby Lin. And so I replied that I like looking at nice-looking guys like Takeshi and Toro. In the days where there were cassettes, the ones I buy most were the Little Tigers. My sis would listen to their songs and I would look at their photos.

Hey… but I enjoyed pornography (the regular type k!) and female nudity (the high-class type they call art!) too!

Hmm… Maybe the life of a Bi is awaiting me…. *Evil Laughs*

Yo ham!

Haha actually after I stared at the photo, I am also forced to admit that you look the handsomest! In that photo lah... Duh, look at the rest... But just to set your heart melting (hehe), you do look very cute lah. If I were a movie director, I would definitely cast you as Batman!

I heard some theory before that all of us have some homosexual inclination in us. We all know how to appreciate the form of those of the same sex. I guess this helps us know what is considered desirable so that we can work towards the goal of attaining that body we admire?

But I think you should stop admiring Andy's nipples though.
holy shit haha....staring at andy lau nipples......
I dunno what to say im lost for words.
Erm... dun stare at his nipples then stare at wat?! His other manly feature is only so-so lah..

How I know?

hmm.. er... hmm... er... the weather today not bad hor?

keke. :p
Biang...even me as an andy lau fan since young NEVER scrutinise his nipples before..Raymond..U seriously need some help here..pls dun use your eyes to "fei1 li3" Andy.. andy lau fan :)
wah thank you man.
i dunno what is tomorrowed until u tomorrow me man lol.
Virgins rock
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