Sunday, January 01, 2006


New Year 2006

I have a kind of certain affection for Upper Serangoon Road. To be honest, it was not an exceptional road. But it just happened to be the road that I traveled most along all through my childhood. And many times, I did it alone. Even from the time when I was in primary school, I would walk from one end of that road to the other whenever I wanted some quiet time alone.

And I did just that minutes from the New Year. Many thoughts.

The streets were quiet. The crowds were elsewhere welcoming the New Year. But along the familiar Upper Serangoon Road, I saw the real world.

I saw a couple smiling at each other
I saw a police car announcing their presence with flashing lights
I saw force enforcers taking notes
I saw a youth looking forlorn outside a school’s gate
I saw men dressed in strange robes trying to look important
I saw a procession of men unsure of whom they are
I saw an ambulance by a funfair full of children
I saw two truckers sharing a can of beer
I saw an illuminating fire in the open field unmanned

Nine phenomenons which I would usually not noticed. I saw them all today. And then I made my New Year Resolutions. I had always been supportive of the idea of making resolutions, but I had never ever been this serious.

Yes. I am undergoing a major spiritual and mental change. I will achieve my human revolution. I am ready for the 2006: The Year of Youth and Dynamic Growth.

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