Wednesday, April 12, 2006
The word Bodhisattva is not unfamiliar to people who have any knowledge of Buddhism. Basically, Bodhisattva is used to describe a person who have elevated beyond the selfish ego and develop compassion to think and work for the happiness of others. For example, the Bodhisattva Wonderful Sounds may be a musician who uses his music to encourage another person. The Bodhisattva Bright Lights may be one who brings cheers and laughers to brighten the day of the people he encounters with. Hence, with this understanding, we can say that people who devoted their lives for the betterment of their communities are Bodhisattvas. This includes famous role models such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
In the Lotus Sutra, there was a scenario that was described as follows:
The Lord Buddha described that Latter Day of the Law as a period of time where people are deluded and slander the law repeatedly. They refuse to believe that they possess the Buddha Nature in their lives and seek happiness from the external sources. He then asked the assembly of capable men and women and supernatural beings, who among them, will lead the people of this Latter Day to happiness through Buddhism. Each one of them vied for the honor. However, the Lord Buddha explained that he had in fact, trained multitudes of Bodhisattvas since the remote past for this purpose.
Just as he spoke, the ground opened and countless Bodhisattvas emerged from the Earth. These Bodhisattvas of the Earth (BOE) are lead by the following four Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattva Superior Practices, Bodhisattva Boundless Practices, Bodhisattva Pure Practices and Bodhisattva Firmly Establish Practices. These leaders of represented the four virtues of the BOE.
Bodhisattva Superior Practices – True Self
Bodhisattva Boundless Practices – Eternity
Bodhisattva Pure Practices – Purity
Bodhisattva Firmly Establish Practices – Happiness
True Self represents the understanding that we all possess the Buddha Nature within us. Hence, we are all capable of attaining Buddhahood.
Eternity represents the fact that Buddhahood is manifested and activated when we practice Buddhism. It is not bestowed upon us by any powers or deity. It is a potential that resides in all life for all eternity. (The remote past mentioned in the metaphorical Lotus Sutra represents eternity without beginning or ending.)
Purity is the practice of Buddhism with sincerity and devotion. That is, it is Faith that allows us to activate our Buddha Nature.
Happiness is the sharing of this wonderful philosophy with the people around, especially those we care about so that they too, may attain enlightenment.
The Earth is the source of all life. It is the support for plants and animals alike so that our ecology is functioning as it does. Its life-giving capability is unlimited. Similar, when we realized our mission as BOE, and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the same mind as the original Buddha, we too, will be able to tap an unlimited source of wisdom, compassion and courage.
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