Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Deterrence Myth

Why has it been difficult to abolish nuclear weapons? Dr Krieger believes that it is because the leaders of nuclear-weapons states hang on to these weapons in the name of national security. But instead of safety, they offer only the threat of mutual destruction, in which there is no security, only murder on an unprecedented scale with the possibility of human annihilation.

A recent movie called “Deathnote” based on a popular manga was shown in Singapore earlier this year. In this movie, the antagonist was given the power to kill anyone by penning the name of the person in a mysterious notebook. Thinking that he could create a utopia by killing off all convicts and criminals, he instead created a society of people living in constant fear. This is exactly what nuclear weapons are doing to mankind.

Sensei also blasted the concept of deterrence as just a cowardly excuse to justify nuclear weapons. True friendship is impossible as long as we shake hands with one hand while holding weapon in the other.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Choose Hope

Part One: The Power of the Individual

Peace, Imagination and Action

From a Century of War to a Century of Peace

The Challenge to Bring Forth a New Reality

Peace Leadership

Part Two: Personal Motivations for Peace Activism

Children of the Nuclear Age

Conscientious Objection to War

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The Season of Hiroshima

Part Three: Transcending the Nuclear Age

The Mission of Science

The Challenge of Abolition 2000

The Abyss of Total Annihilation

Part Four: The Challenge of the Future

Human Security and the Future of the United Nations

Literature and Life

The Importance of Nongvernmental Organizations

The Role of Education

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy Birthday Sensei

Today's my mentor's 79th birthday.


Planning for the SD Anniversary started.

New Year Resolutions:
  1. 为善之士。
  2. 寻善之士。
  3. 成善之士。
