Monday, July 25, 2005
A New Departure
On the 23rd July, I was officially transferred from ASD to NYPSD. I guessed I wasn’t at all unprepared for it. I had a nagging suspicion that I would be posted to NYPSD, TPSD or NRPSD when I was first attached to HQ1 for the YCF. Due to my involvement in HQ1 YCF, I had had difficult keeping in rhythm with the pulse of the ASD which was in HQ3 YCF. It was a struggle. I cannot honestly say I created any waves in ASD. I was merely a passenger that observed and helped with the oars occasionally. But it was a pleasing stay.
Here in NYPSD, I am finally trusted with the responsibility as a co-captain of this promising vessel. How do I steer it?
I do not know the strengths and weakness of my crew yet. But I do know the direction. The Polaris points the way. I had been trained by the Lion King, therefore, I must share the same roar as my mentor!
The NYPSD began our campaign with study session the following day. Traveling to TSC early in the morning, I finally met my crew members. Full of vigor, as we pledge to advance our course, and make NYPSD even stronger than before.
Adjourned to ICA for the YCF union after the study session. Another day to feel hot tears roll over my cheeks. Deeply touched once again by the struggles over the past 3 months. Ended the day by participating in the “Big Bang Exercise” for a place in the Guinness Book of Records.
I learnt that she was finally preparing for ROM. Hers, was the first hand I held tenderly, as an innocent teenager about 10 years ago. She was my first crush and target for infatuation. Our relationship did not last long, but it did form a part of my history. Today, we remained good friends and she is someone I could discuss anything with. A truly charming girl.
There is an indescribable emotion flooding all my senses. A strange longing, for something I do not know. Maybe it is the knowledge that time will never be reversed and that we can never see the darkest of Death or the brightness of the Sun directly with our naked eyes.
I send her my virtual congratulations.
Here in NYPSD, I am finally trusted with the responsibility as a co-captain of this promising vessel. How do I steer it?
I do not know the strengths and weakness of my crew yet. But I do know the direction. The Polaris points the way. I had been trained by the Lion King, therefore, I must share the same roar as my mentor!
The NYPSD began our campaign with study session the following day. Traveling to TSC early in the morning, I finally met my crew members. Full of vigor, as we pledge to advance our course, and make NYPSD even stronger than before.
Adjourned to ICA for the YCF union after the study session. Another day to feel hot tears roll over my cheeks. Deeply touched once again by the struggles over the past 3 months. Ended the day by participating in the “Big Bang Exercise” for a place in the Guinness Book of Records.
= = = = = = =
I learnt that she was finally preparing for ROM. Hers, was the first hand I held tenderly, as an innocent teenager about 10 years ago. She was my first crush and target for infatuation. Our relationship did not last long, but it did form a part of my history. Today, we remained good friends and she is someone I could discuss anything with. A truly charming girl.
There is an indescribable emotion flooding all my senses. A strange longing, for something I do not know. Maybe it is the knowledge that time will never be reversed and that we can never see the darkest of Death or the brightness of the Sun directly with our naked eyes.
I send her my virtual congratulations.
Friday, July 22, 2005
The weaving of a piece of fabric on a loom, the wrap is first stretched out lengthwise before being crossed by the woof.
The wrap represents the bond of mentor and disciple while the woof represents the bond of comrades. In a strong organization, it is important to ensure that the both the “wraps” and the “woof” are tightly interlaced.
It is interesting to note that the wraps provide the structure from which the woofs may be fashioned into various designs and patterns. Likewise, it is the fundamental bond of mentor and disciple that supports the Gakkai from which it is up to the disciples to come together in unity to fashion the organization.
True unity is NOT group-thinking which individuality is ignored resulting in totalitarianism. Such unity can be referred to as “one in body and mind” and usually involves the sacrifice of the individual for the sake of the group. This type of unity is doomed to fail.
Unity should be in the form – “many in body, one in mind”. In this type of unity, the individuality of each person is valued and given full play. Each member cherished the same spirit as their foundation while engaging in activities as a diverse group. Thus is the way to manifest the true potential of each person.
Each raindrop is like an individual. It may be insignificant when alone. But when united with other raindrops bounded by the same purpose, they can become a powerful wave of energy that sweeps all obstacles aside and quench any raging fire.
The wrap represents the bond of mentor and disciple while the woof represents the bond of comrades. In a strong organization, it is important to ensure that the both the “wraps” and the “woof” are tightly interlaced.
It is interesting to note that the wraps provide the structure from which the woofs may be fashioned into various designs and patterns. Likewise, it is the fundamental bond of mentor and disciple that supports the Gakkai from which it is up to the disciples to come together in unity to fashion the organization.
True unity is NOT group-thinking which individuality is ignored resulting in totalitarianism. Such unity can be referred to as “one in body and mind” and usually involves the sacrifice of the individual for the sake of the group. This type of unity is doomed to fail.
Unity should be in the form – “many in body, one in mind”. In this type of unity, the individuality of each person is valued and given full play. Each member cherished the same spirit as their foundation while engaging in activities as a diverse group. Thus is the way to manifest the true potential of each person.
Each raindrop is like an individual. It may be insignificant when alone. But when united with other raindrops bounded by the same purpose, they can become a powerful wave of energy that sweeps all obstacles aside and quench any raging fire.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Life as a Show Log = MUD MUD MUD. But still fun.
Email Sent: I have a problem with my email! How can I make sure it works?
The Reply : We haven't received your email message yet. Would you please try to resend it?
Email Sent: I have a problem with my email! How can I make sure it works?
The Reply : We haven't received your email message yet. Would you please try to resend it?
Monday, July 11, 2005
Expedient Means
Q: How many ways are there to teach a single Mathematical Law?
A: The same number as the number of learners.
A: The same number as the number of learners.
Friday, July 08, 2005
I see YOU!
A translation of an African tribe’s exchange of greeting:
A simple exchange, yet highly profound. It demonstrated that humans are social creatures and hence, our humanity must be integrated into the society or community we function in. Because conversely, if the host fail to initiate the greeting by acknowledging the presence of the guest, it represents that the guest does not exist in that social context.
Only when we are acknowledged by others, can we be said to have truly existed as a human being in our encounters.
Always acknowledge the people around you who made an impact to your lives. Always appreciate the people who contributed to your growth as a human. For the ability to cultivate a sense of gratitude is what differentiates Man from Beast.
Host: I see you!
Guest: I am here!
= = = = =
A simple exchange, yet highly profound. It demonstrated that humans are social creatures and hence, our humanity must be integrated into the society or community we function in. Because conversely, if the host fail to initiate the greeting by acknowledging the presence of the guest, it represents that the guest does not exist in that social context.
Only when we are acknowledged by others, can we be said to have truly existed as a human being in our encounters.
Always acknowledge the people around you who made an impact to your lives. Always appreciate the people who contributed to your growth as a human. For the ability to cultivate a sense of gratitude is what differentiates Man from Beast.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
The, wrong, my Chinese Language
Monday, July 04, 2005
NIE Investiture and Post-YCF Blues
Here I am… finally back to writing another blog entry. It is late Sunday night, or really, Monday morning. I slept the entire Sunday away. I woke up in for lunch, returned to bed and woke up next for dinner. Should be enough to eradicate my fatigue I hoped.
Watched the 2-part TV series on the adaptation of Earthsea. It wasn’t all that bad. But like most screen adaptations of books, I seriously felt something was lacking. But overall, it was fine enough for me. I am just such a sucker for the genre that anything fantasy or sci-fi will entertain me. But I must add that the books are MUCH better than the show any way I view it.
The past week had been a marathon of prayers for the success of the Youth Peace Culture Festival. In the midst of it, I was officially graduated from NIE via a dignified investiture on the 30th June.
The teaching gang lining up after the ceremony.

I guessed we took too much time in the auditorium. My maths gang had all de-gowned when I finally found them in the foyer. oh well~
On the 2 July, HQ1 kicked started the YCF. The SD item was brilliant! My eyes were all moist with pride at the end of it all. Great Work SD!!
Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo! Hey Yo! Yoo~ Passion of Youth!
Now for the baton will pass to the other 2 HQs. Good luck fellows. We’re be praying for your success.
Wrote a little poem dedicated my trainers too:
The orange glow
The bamboo ringing
Calling for young heroes and heroines
To rise above the mighty thunder
Sounded by the eager march
Tapping and storming
Young heroes and heroines
To direct the power for
The good of humanity
And yesh~ I’m officially suffering from post-ycf blues…
Watched the 2-part TV series on the adaptation of Earthsea. It wasn’t all that bad. But like most screen adaptations of books, I seriously felt something was lacking. But overall, it was fine enough for me. I am just such a sucker for the genre that anything fantasy or sci-fi will entertain me. But I must add that the books are MUCH better than the show any way I view it.
The past week had been a marathon of prayers for the success of the Youth Peace Culture Festival. In the midst of it, I was officially graduated from NIE via a dignified investiture on the 30th June.

I guessed we took too much time in the auditorium. My maths gang had all de-gowned when I finally found them in the foyer. oh well~
On the 2 July, HQ1 kicked started the YCF. The SD item was brilliant! My eyes were all moist with pride at the end of it all. Great Work SD!!
Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo! Hey Yo! Yoo~ Passion of Youth!
Now for the baton will pass to the other 2 HQs. Good luck fellows. We’re be praying for your success.
Wrote a little poem dedicated my trainers too:
The orange glow
The bamboo ringing
Calling for young heroes and heroines
To rise above the mighty thunder
Sounded by the eager march
Tapping and storming
Young heroes and heroines
To direct the power for
The good of humanity
And yesh~ I’m officially suffering from post-ycf blues…